The National Sculpture Society
The Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant of $5000 for outstanding achievement
and dedication to animal art is awarded to D. L. Engle at the Celebration of Sculpture and Awards Luncheon. The Awards Luncheon took place on June 6th 2014 at The Century Association, 7 West 43rd Street NY, NY 10036
The 2014 Sculpture Celebration honorees are:
Medal of Honor: Eugene Daub
Henry Hering Medal: Lawrence Noble, George Lucas and Lawrence Halprin
Herbert Adams Memorial Award: Green-Wood Cemetery
Sculpture House Award: Richard Blake
Newmark Memorial Grant: D.L. Engle
Alex J. Ettl Grant: Sequoyah Aono
The historic Century House where the NSS Awards Luncheon was held
Engle talks about her work shown during the slide show and with National Sculpture Society President Michel Langlais
A wonderful celebration and gathering of sculptors, congratulations to all! Event photos by Andy Lay.
Selected Memberships, Museums, Awards and Juried Exhibits:
National Sculpture Society, Marilyn Newmark Memorial Grant of $5000, for outstanding ability and commitment to animal art. NY. 2014
National Sculpture Society, 82nd annual Awards Exhibition, Margaret Hexter Prize. NY. 2015
National Sculpture Society, elected member. 2014
Associated Artist of the Inland Empire Juried Exhibit, Best of Show, Victoria Gardens. CA. 2011
California Art Club, admitted as sculpture member. 2008
The Pasadena Society of Artists, Honorable Mention, CA, 2008
Chaffy Community Museum of Art, First in Sculpture, CA. 2008
Wildling Art Museum, Endangered Species Competition & Exhibit, Puma Ways awarded $5000, and purchased for the Museum. CA. 2008
Exhibitions include:
National Sculpture Society, A Blessing of Animals, NY. FL, 2017 -2018
National Sculpture Society, California Sculptors, Sparks Gallery, CA, 2017
LA County Fair Plein Air Painting Exhibit. CA, 2015
Wildlings Art Museum, CA, 2008, 2014
San Marino League, CA, 2012
Associated Artist of the Inland Empire, CA. 2011
National Sculpture Society, 82nd Annual Award Exhibition. NY, 2015
The California Art Club Gold Medal Exhibitions, CA. 2011 through 2014
DWZVR 50th Anniversary Celebration Exhibit, Germany, 2011
The Old Mill Gallery, California Art Club, CA. 2009
Chaffy Community Museum of Art, CA, 2008, 2009
The Pasadena Society of Artists, CA, 2008
International Exhibit, Animals in Art, LA, 2008
The AKC Museum of the Dog, MO, 2001. 2004, 2005
National Sculpture Society, NY. 2000
Selected Publications:
Harp & Hound, Spring 2016 interview
Outdoor June 12th 2012 profiles a plein-air sculptor
Irish Wolfhound Illustrated: fall 2013 feature article
Unsere Windhunde: January 2012 feature article
NOFCA News, Autumn 2010 feature article
Chaffy Community Art Association Museum Newsletter July 2010 feature article
Sirius: AKC Museum of the Dog spring 1990 & spring 2005 feature article
Public & private commissions include:
Hollywood Park Race Track Walk of Fame Plaques of famous jockeys and horses. CA
Pedigree Hall of Fame the AKC Museum of the Dog. MO
Proud Meadows LLC, The Rain Horse. TX
Commissioned to create the Grand Course perpetual trophy.